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3 Proven Ways to Gain the Attention of An Egotistical Music Blogger

No one man should have all that power!

The line above comes courtesy of Kanye West. I love using rap lyrics and applying them to everyday situations.

Do you like doing this?

I decided to use Kanye's line to talk about music bloggers. Music bloggers have a lot of influence because they have essentially replaced Djs.

In the past Djs broke records. Times have changed and Social Media has given POWER to new tastemakers, music bloggers (Djs still break records though).

Before you continue reading this I want to make something clear. I do not think all music bloggers are egotistical. I do believe that we have given some of them too much POWER and well this power leads to an inflated ego.

On the flipside, bloggers are bombarded with email submissions, Twitter mentions, Facebook messages, etc.

Have you ever thought about how much content a blogger has to listen to?

They usually work WITHOUT pay and invest a lot of time into listening to our content yet WE feel entitled.

YOU are not entitled to nothing. The music industry is saturated with artists trying to get on. Everyday new artists pop up and these artists want to be featured on music blogs.

Yes, we, music artists rely on bloggers to help spread our ideas and music bloggers rely on us to bring in traffic.

Why Blog Coverage Benefits Artists

Artists WANT to be featured on music blogs. The bigger the blog, the better! Now, I know that this is not necessarily true but you can't argue with the benefits (i.e., web traffic, SEO and name recognition).

I tell artists all the time to aim low then work their way up to bigger blogs.

Basically start with smaller blogs and build relationships with those bloggers. A lot of artists fail to understand that the music industry is based on relationships.

I even created a hip-hop blog directory because I was tired of submitting to the big blogs and being ignored.

Are you tired of being ignored when you know your content is good?

So am I! Below I have outlined 3 ways YOU can gain the attention of an egotistical music blogger.

1). Become A Part of Their Community

The easiest way to gain the attention of a music blogger is to become a part of their community (Tweet this Quote). Leave comments on their blog, Follow them on Twitter, Like them on Facebook, Subscribe to their YouTube channel. Leave valuable feedback. This will boost your name recogniton and maybe just maybe give you an edge over another artist.

2). Personalizing Your Pitch

Personalize your pitch. Personalize your pitch. Personalize your pitch. In order to stand out among the noise you have to create a personalized message. Effective email subject lines will help you get more blog coverage.

I use this subject line when I pitch music: Music Submission: [Artist Name] - [Title of the Song (produced by. X)]

You can use this approach. Create detailed headlines that tell the recipient what the email is about.

Personalize your pitch to stand out! This is why I preach individualized pitches as opposed to email blasts. Email blasts work when you have built up your brand.

3). Mentioning The Music Blogger

This is the most effective way to gain the attention of a music blogger. Mention them or their blog on Social Media. Share content that you love.

HINT: If they blog about your material then show your gratitude by sharing it with your audience.

Mention the blog or blogger in video content. Maybe you can send them a personalized video message where you introduce yourself and your music submission. If you decide to go this route remember to keep it brief.

The key revolves around mentioning the blog and then utilizing the second tip.

I guarantee that if you take the time to build relationships you will receive more blog coverage.

I can't guarantee that you will be famous or get posted but you might gain an ally in your corner, a supporter that can help spread your music.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post. If you find the information valuable please share it and Subscribe to my RSS Feed.

So, how do YOU gain the attention of music bloggers? Please share your thoughts in the comments.

Image Credit: Ryan Babb


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