| Vibe Of The Month |

39 Amazing Ways to Market Your Album In a Week or Less

Your album is finished and you want to share it with the world. You lack the patience to put together a comprehensive marketing plan and you just want to get the music to your fans.

Well you're in luck! I will detail 39 amazing ways to market your album to the masses in a week or less.

I decided to put this post together because I wanted to benefit you, artists that are excited to release material. When you are marketing an album you have to remember that visibility is key.

In order to get more sales or more downloads you have to reach more people. You reach more people by creating shareable content.

Each tip is accompanied with a [click to tweet] link so you can tweet the tip out quickly.

39 Amazing Ways to Market Your Album In a Week or Less

1. Post Info on Social Media Sites. [click to tweet]

2. Send Singles to Bloggers EARLY. [click to tweet]

3. Upload Single to Streaming Sites (SoundCloud, AudioMack, Bandcamp). [click to tweet]

4. Utilize Instagram to premiere album artwork. [click to tweet]

5. Utilize Vine to showcase the finished product (try to showcase packaging). [click to tweet]

6. Utilize Tumblr for blogging and photo capability. [click to tweet]

7. Utilize Google Hangouts to premiere your album. [click to tweet]

8. Utilize YouTube to post Behind the Scenes content and Lyric Videos. [click to tweet]

9. Create a Landing Page for Your Album. [click to tweet]

10. Post on Message Boards. [click to tweet]

11. Change your Avatar to your Album Cover on various Social Media sites. [click to tweet]

12. Submit lyrics from your album to OHHLA or Rapgenius. [click to tweet]

13. Encourage album participants to market the album when it is released. [click to tweet]

14. Email your mailing list before and after your album drops. [click to tweet]

15. Setup Interviews with Bloggers or those interested in your brand. [click to tweet]

16. Gather album reviews for your release (check the next tip). [click to tweet]

17. Submit your album to BLOGGERS and ask them to review it. [click to tweet]

18. Submit your album's press release to free press release sites. [click to tweet]

19. Ask a video blogger to review your album. [click to tweet]

20. Hold a contest. [click to tweet]

21. Create a hashtag for your album. [click to tweet]

22. Create album memes using Over (iPhone) or Expressions (Droid). [click to tweet]

23. Hype up your album release party. [click to tweet]

24. Video Blog the album creation process. [click to tweet]

25. Hand out physical copies to your friends and family. [click to tweet]

26. Submit your music to radio stations (Online Stations are great). [click to tweet]

27. Offer exclusive content. [click to tweet]

28. Post album singles on Reddit. [click to tweet]

29. Perform new songs from your album at Open Mics. [click to tweet]

30. Release an instrumental version of your album. [click to tweet]

31. Utilize Ustream to document the recording process and for live performances. [click to tweet]

32. MERCH! MERCH! MERCH! [click to tweet]

33. Buy Advertisement space on a Blog/Website. [click to tweet]

34. Have a blog premiere your album a few days before release (stream of the album before it drops). [click to tweet]

35. Update your email signature to reflect your album release. [click to tweet]

36. Print up flyers, posters, stickers, etc and post them everywhere. [click to tweet]

37. Create special business cards that reflect the release of your album. [click to tweet]

38. Create a Pinterest collage that revolves around your album. [click to tweet]

39. Get a Busking license and perform songs from your album near highly populated areas. [click to tweet]

Other Great Resources

Alternative Ways to Market Your Album
When to Release Your Album - Month by Month
Marketing & Promoting A Music Album or Single
Unbundling the Album: A Business Case for Releasing Single Songs
14 Ways to Promote Your Music Online
Marketing Plan Tactics For Independent Musicians – Part 1 of 3: New Album Preparations
Marketing Plan Tactics For Independent Musicians – Part 2 of 3: Album Launch
Marketing Plan Tactics For Independent Musicians – Part 3 of 3: Content Is King


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