Advice for the Independent Artist: The Best Headline Length
Have you ever wondered how long your headline should be to catch people's (fleeting) attention? And is it different for a blog post and an email subject line? What about Twitter and Facebook? You know you can't give EVERYTHING away, but what if you don't say enough? If you drag on, you'll lose me; but if I have to think too much you'll lose me then, too. Today, thanks to the good folks at CoSchedule, we have your answers. While there are differences across platforms, the rules for headline writing success are useful whether you're sharing your latest interview on social media, sending an email blast about your new song, or on your website/blog promoting new additions to your online store. Some Content Management Systems (CMS) will even give you tips as you compose, but there's no need for that when you have this comprehensive guide from CoSchedule . And if I haven't yet lost your attention, but we're running out of time, take this top