18 Photographers That Helped Me Learn How to Use Adobe Lightroom
I bought a camera two years ago and it sat and sat and collected dust.
I originally wanted a camera to increase my presence on YouTube but I had no idea what I was doing.
So I bought a DSLR and started to point and shoot at various things. I found out quickly that DSLRs are not point and shoot cameras.
I took the time to read up about ISO, aperture, Shutter Speed and my camera manual. I decided to stop taking pictures and increase my knowledge (you should always keep shooting!). Then my son was born!
The passion came back and I started taking pictures of him and applied what I had previously studied. I would use Photoshop to edit the pictures adding automatic corrections so my workflow was simple.
I shot some photos for my brother's wedding and edited them in Photoshop. My brother suggested that I should look into Adobe Lightroom 5.
So like always I did my research and I was blown away at the editing potential of this program. There was only one little problem. I did not know how to use Adobe Lightroom. So I took the time to learn about this awesome program.
I learned about awesome Lightroom Presets and different editing styles.
Serge Ramelli is one of my favorite photographers and his editing style is truly awesome. Below I have put together a list of 18 photographers that have helped me learn how to use Adobe Lightroom 5.
You can check out some of my photos HERE.
The list post below contains photographers that have helped me understand Adobe Lightroom 5.
Adobe Lightroom
Anthony Morganti
Arun Kumar
CameraRec Toby
Cole's Classroom
David Iliyn
David Tomek
Design Panoply
Digital Photography School
Jared Polin
Jerad Hill
Julieanne Kost
Kelby Media Group
Lightroom Killer Tips
Lightroom Zen
Mike Browne
Sebastien Tibeau
Serge Ramelli
SLR Lounge
SLR Optics Photography
Stephen Elliot
Tao Jones
Terry White
Trey Ratcliff
Thank you for taking the time to read this list post.
If I have omitted a Lightroom wiz please let me know and I will add them to the list pronto.
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Other Great Resources
10 Reasons to Use Lightroom
The Best Free Lightroom Tutorial and Blogs
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