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Introducing Musicians to the Benefits of Twitter Hashtags

Image retrieved from Digital Trends.

You turn on your computer and you log into Twitter for the first time and you are amazed at the rapid Twitter traffic. You scroll for content and you encounter a tweet that has a symbol that is usually represented on your phone. Congratulations! You have just been introduced to Twitter hashtags.

Twitter Hashtags are awesome because they help facilitate communication and narrow Twitter feeds. Twitter hashtags present a lot of benefits for the Do It Yourself Recording Artist. At the conclusion of this blog you will learn how to use Twitter Hashtags effectively. This knowledge will empower you to progress towards interaction.


A Twitter hashtag is simply a keyword phrase, spelled out without spaces, with a pound sign (#) in front of it (HubSpot, 2012).

Album titles can be used as Twitter Hashtags (for example #Elmatic #Destruction #LiveFromTheUnderground #ChurchClothes and more).

Terms and Keywords can be used as Twitter Hashtags (for example #Marketing #Blogging #Running #Kettlebell and more).

Random things can be used as Twitter Hastags (for example #BlameLebron #MyFavoriteTVShow #AceVentura and more).

Events can also be used as Twitter Hashtags (for example #Soundset #SXSW #FlavorFest #EpicFest #RapFest and more).

Twitter hashtags promote communication and interaction. If I want to join a discussion about marketing then I may structure a tweet like this.

Interactive #Marketing is really taking off due to technological advancement.


You can track Twitter Hashtags by inserting the hashtag into the search area. How to Use Hashtags on Twitter: A Simple Guide for Marketers provides more insight on the importance of hashtags and how to use them.


I believe that all musicians should use Twitter Hashtags as promotion. Businesses use Twitter Hashtags all the time. Twitter Hashtags are cost effective (free!), easy to use, and easy to track. Encouraging your fanbase to utilize the hashtag is the first step. Ask them on Twitter, Facebook, Google +, and other sites to utilize a specific Twitter Hashtag.

When you release album artwork, use a hashtag. When you release your first video, use a hashtag. When you are promoting shows or an album release, use a hashtag. Here are some of the benefits to using hashtags.
  • Easy way to track what the FANS are talking about
  • Easy way to gain new fans or followers given the consistent stream of communication
  • Easy way to pinpoint which blogs are posting your material
  • Easy way to present a community that is exclusively driven by a hashtag
Remember that Twitter Hashtags should be used sparingly and using them too often can be considered spamming by the audience. Also remember to use one to two hashtags in a single tweet.

Here are some other links that provide excellent information about Twitter Hashtags.

How to Use Twitter Hashtags Effectively
Twitter Hashtags 101: Complete Guide to Power and Discovery
HOW TO: Get the Most Out of Twitter #Hashtags

Please SHARE this information, I want you to succeed and it would be a blessing if you help others succeed.

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