Hip-Hop Health: What I learned from Da Truth and The Ambassador
Da Truth and The Ambassador are two Christian Hip-Hop (CHH) emcees that had a big influence on my content and rhyme structure when I first started rhyming. I valued their biblical based content, their song writing skills and their humility.
When humanity strikes it causes people to place judgement. I will not digress and expose what these men of God did in the past but I will focus on what I learned from them. I learned that we are human, I also learned that I needed to strengthen my relationship with God and finally I learned that forgiveness does not come from man.
We Are Humans
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God - Romans 3:23
The aforementioned biblical passage suggests that we are far from perfect and that we all fall short of the glory of God. In short we are all sinners. The transgressions of Da Truth and The Ambassador merely exhibited the fact that we are not perfect, that we are not God.
At times we propel these mere mortals to such a high pedestal, in fact we may even idolize these mortals. When the mortal acts out of character we tend to judge and the pedestal that we place them on crumbles.
We must remember that regardless of the transgression we are humans. Humans are sinners by nature and our God is very patient and forgiving (saved by grace).
I found myself spending more time worrying about what Da Truth and The Ambassador were doing. This preoccupation led to distancing myself from the word and church and my relationship with God suffered because of this.
Building One's Relationship with God
Instead of focusing my energy towards what other people were doing I had to spend time with God. I had to get to know God so I would be prepared to deal with the devices of the Devil. The relationship was established outside of the church walls. I had to spend time in the word, spend time in prayer and most importantly learn from other people.
My relationship with God is a ongoing process. Some days I take steps forward and some days I take steps back. The consistent thing is that I understand that I am a lost sheep that needs direction from the shepherd.
Forgiveness comes from above...not man
Forgiveness does not come from man even if we confess our sins in the open (to the world). True repentance comes from God.
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God - Ephesians 2:8
Repentance gives us a chance to turn away from sin. Confessing our sins to the world is admirable yet it does not get to the root of the problem. The root of the problem is that we stray at times and we need guidance and direction.
Da Truth and The Ambassador shared their transgressions with the world yet the true healing occurred away from the masses. True healing comes when you are broken and weak. In essence you are spiritual available.
What I learned...
I learned that Da Truth and The Ambassador achieved a lot of success with Cross Movement Records. A moral failure caused them to be free agents. God continued to work with them through the turmoil and today they are signed to Xist Music. God has a plan for all of us and sometimes we have to reach rock bottom to be exposed to the knowledge and wealth of God's love.
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Da TRUTH Image retrieved from HERE
Ambassador + Da TRUTH Image retrieved from HERE
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