Behind the Beats: Judah Interview

First and foremost, who is Judah and where do you reside?
Judah is a guy that loves the architecture of music production, loves being creative and loves putting creative ideas in the universe. I reside in Maryland, right outside of the City.
How long have you been making beats?
I been making beats for 11-12 years.
How is the hip-hop scene in D.C.?
The scene is over saturated just like the national scene. Everybody raps, produces, models, CEO's etc... It's tiring and getting cliche'! But......There still is some dope talent in the area.
On February 7th, you will be releasing P.U.S.S.Y. (Please Understand She Saved You) with Dub MD Promotions. The title in itself is very suggestive. How did you come up with the title?
I came up with it based on a pic I took while in the UK of a PUSSY with a Cat Tattooed on it (The Album Cover) and it just flowed from there. Dub and Universal Indie suggested I put it out on Twitter and Facebook seeking help to come up an acronym for PUSSY and boom we have Please Understand She Saved You!
Describe the working relationship that you have with Dub MD Promotions.
Dub is one of my biggest supporters even though he's thousands of miles across the pond. We did the Amber Rose project together and he knows what he is doing on the promo tip. Great guy there!
In the past you have dedicated a project to Amber Rose and presented the ultra dope Sundresses and Sandals. Is it safe to say that this project is also dedicated to women?
It's not really dedicated to women its more of a metaphor for women and the world and sex and drugs and life which all these things evolve around women etc. Man it's probably deeper than I can explain...hahahahahaha, it's all damn cerebral to a certain extent.
People should support P.U.S.S.Y. because...
Because it's creative, fresh, music you can clean to, get high to, 2 step to and because you won't be mad when you purchase it.
You have a successful website called For the D.M.V. Only that has been in existence for a while. What inspired you to start the site?
I started the site because sites like Nahright and Rap Radar don't post any other artist from DC, MD or VA unless it is Wale and that's bogus and corny. So I wanted to start something so the artist can have an online presence etc. Its been up since 2008. The first and original site for DMV music. Dj Heat and I had the very first sites for only DMV artist. Now there are endless sites hahaha.
Do you think that artists from the DMV area are underexposed?
Yeah, we need more internet presence on the big sites and more video on MTV Jams etc.
What are some things that are scene lacks?
The infrastructure, record labels and industry education.

I noticed that you also dabble with video as evidenced by your Vimeo profile. When did you gravitate to video and what program do you use to edit video?
Man I just went to Ritz Camera one day, bought a Nikon and started shooting. It all starts in my mind first then it's easy to shoot and edit. I use Final Cut.
2012 just started and a lot of people have numerous resolutions. Do you have any resolutions?
No resolution because everyday is a new year in my mind (hahahahahahaha).
Who would you like to work with this year?
What are your interests outside of music?
I lift weights, do strongman competitions and dabble in MMA. I'm just learning how to canvas paint and I'm remodeling my house.
How can the fans get in contact with you?
JudahOnTheBeats and they can peep out Bandcamp.
Any final words?
To all the young producers get your money, because you don't want to wake up and your 35 with nothing to show for all this free beats you gave away.
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