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FREE Download: Through Hymn - On Word And Sacrament

Ronald Johnson (Through Hymn) is a servant of Jesus Christ and Christian rapper from Orlando, FL. I know this dude from the Rapmusic message boards and it is great to hear the talented emcee glorify God and spread the word. Through Hymn cites Shai Linne, Evangel, Christcentric, Stephen the Levite, Voice, Timothy Brindle, S.O, God's Servant, Will Passion, Zae Da Blacksmith, Omri, Hazakim, Plumbline Collective, i:six5, Tech-unique, Commissary and more as his influences.

On Word and Sacrament is a free project (not album) about the significance of the Word, particularly the Gospel (its misconceptions) and the proper administration of the sacraments for the edification of the Church.


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