Behind the Beats: Fakts One
First and foremost what was the inspiration for The Chop Shop?
As most people know Akrobatik (of the Perceptionists) was hospitalized a few months back. That's like my big brother man...When I went to see him it was real emotional for everybody. We promised each other to not take shit for granted in this lifetime. Building in the hospital lobby with Ak's fam, DJ Sense, & L-Boogs...for real we just sat & talked for hours. This project is a direct result of that experience.
Creatively - I'm pretty involved in the import tuning scene here in Boston. Car theft is a huge issue here. The title actually started as a joke.
What is currently your favorite automobile?
Good question! There's so many, but if there was one in particular I'd give all my worldly possessions to own...Probably a Hakosuka Skyline tuned by Rocky Auto. You can pull up in that thing anywhere and be stylin' on 'em.
How long did it take you to create The Chop Shop?
Roughly 7-8 weeks.
You endured a three year layoff between the release of Long Range and The Chop Shop. What attributed to this absence from releasing material?
To be honest Long Range was done for 3 years before it was released. So I've been on hiatus since like '05. Never stopped making beats though. Still bought music. It was a choice to reclaim my personal life.
What are some of your interests outside of making music?
By now you've figured out I love cars - that's no secret. I've always worked with or on them in some way since I was 16. I used to drag race a lot, a little too much. At my last court appearance the magistrate looked straight in the eye & said "Your driving record is approaching Hall of Fame status." So I chilled out. Got organized with the homies and started participating in car shows or organizing meets. Doing positive stuff. Other than that I just try to be a good father.
Do you feel that you are underrated as a beatmaker?
I don't think about shit like that. I just do what I do.
Are you working on anything else at the moment?
I've given some new tracks to Akro. I'm also working on a project with Alias. We've worked together before. Once those are done - I'm open to whatever. I've got all these beats that nobody's ever heard, even the old heads who know of me from my previous work. Just trying to get them out there.
Will we (the masses) ever witness another Perceptionists album?
I hope so, P. Black Dialogue just scratched the surface of what I know the 3 of us are capable of as a group.
What albums are you looking forward to listen to when they drop?
J-Live's new shit, 9th Wonder's new shit. I really like BLU, and just about anything Mello Music Group drops is always dope.
How can the masses get in contact with you?
Either Twitter or hit me directly
Just don't spam me 'cuz I will put you on blast. I know some legit hackers!
People should download The Chop Shop because...
It's hip hop and its from the heart. I'm not trying to be anything I'm not - some dope beats and some cuts. That's what I do. Hopefully you'll enjoy it has much as I enjoyed making it.
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