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5 Ways to submit music to websites and blogs

Starting a viral campaign can provide an obstacle if artists do not know where to begin. I have provided five simple ways to submit your music to make sure that people will listen to the music (Email Etiquette). Now this my not lead to your music being posted on websites or blogs but it is a start.

Rule 1. Research
As an artist you should research sites that upload or promote music that is similar to yours. Do not waste time trying to promote to bigger websites if you haven't built a buzz. Remember that coverage on bigger blogs is usually based on draw or how many comments a song or video can garner. So take the time to research a website and find out the contact information and introduce yourself. Don't forget about the importance of international blogs or websites as well. Coverage on international websites or blogs can lead to new fans.

Rule 2. The Importance of Subject
Make sure that you value the importance of the subject of your email. Present a call to action that motivates people to check out your material. Words or phrases such as "Listen to this song about obesity", "Video about Violence", "Song about domestic abuse" etc will resonate better than "Check this Song out". You are unknown and these people have never heard of you before, make it easy for them to know what the song is about and who you are as an artist.

I think that this is very important. Let people know that type of music you make, let them know who produced the track and most importantly provide links to your site or sites. The details should be stated within the first few paragraphs. Also let them know what the song is about.

Rule 4. The Power of Attachments
Make sure you attach or embed the artwork. This gives the recipient the ability to post something with the single. Make sure you send content that is streamable (SoundCloud, Bandcamp, and YouTube links work the best). Streamable content is easy to share due to an embed option (this makes it easier for the recipient to preview the track).

Video submissions are different because the recipient can watch the video and make a decision to include it or not.

Rule 5. Personalize your emails
I have been guilty of mass emailing and this is a sure fire way to prevent website or blog coverage. BCC or blind carbon copy has become an ally to musicians and artists worldwide. The problem with this approach is that it is not intended for one website or blog (the campaign is focused on a plethora of websites). Personalize your emails. Refer to Rule 1 and use the research that you conducted and address what you like about a certain website or blog before pitching a song or video to them. Yes this may be time consuming but remember that this a relationship building experience.

If your song or video is uploaded and featured on a website please promote it. Utilize your social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Last FM, SoundCloud, YouTube and more) to get the message around. Ask fans to leave comments on posts, this is beneficial because it makes people feel connected to something. Promotion also leads to repeat coverage on a blog or website.

Always send a thank you email/tweet or respond directly to the post to show your appreciation.

Let me know if this information is useful.

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