| Vibe Of The Month |

St/MiC (Interview)

First and foremost who is St/MiC?

I am ST/MiC. (or Saint Mike phonetically), A writer, composer, producer, professional audio engineer, DJ of 16 years, full time father, humanitarian, and amateur physicist!

Your name is very unique and I have seen variations of it. What does your name mean and when did you start using the moniker?

Well, when I was 16 I started DJing and needed a name, of course. I couldn't pick one, so a guy I was learning from said my sound was very uplifting, almost ethereal or heavenly. Thus, he dubbed me Saint Michael. In '99 when I started rhyming, I adopted the shortened "St. Mic" and coined the "Saint with a mic" theme, and made a logo ST/MiC (which incidentally looks better in the tag form).

Which task is more difficult, putting together a rhyme or making a beat?

Both, and neither. That is to say, some days I can make a great beat in an hour and struggle to write to it for days. Other days I end up with beat makers block, dissatisfied with the usage of samples, and compose piano and string sections. The next morning I may write 2 songs and then have writers block for a whole month. In short, the whole of the cosmos ebbs and flows, and I with it.

You have an accomplished discography that highlights your rhyme and beat making skills. Last year, Honest Music was released and received positive reviews. What was the concept behind Honest Music?

It's In The Name! I really wanted to make this particular record music that spoke the truth. To that end, it didn't appeal to the masses and only rarely, if at all, became petty, negative or dishonest.

This year Solar March was released via Digi Crates Records. What did you try to present with Solar March?

Solar March really became what it was by the grace of Digi Crates. They selected the initial track list from a collection of instrumentals. I developed some of them from there as well as made some new tracks to fit the mood. Some of the tracks on Solar March we made as much as 5 years ago. Some were tailor made for the project. In the end, they all came to life as one.

Recently I noticed that you have a single on your page with California based beat maker Elusive called "Fly Def." You also are in the works of a collaborative project with Elusive. How did this collaboration come to life?

Elusive has a record (Beat Placement) coming out soon on a label called Fly Definition. I had done some editing, mastering and the likes for the label, and they asked if I was interested in doing a freestyle or a verse on one of the Elusive tracks for their promo series. I, of course, agreed at once and had the tracks withing a few minutes. I couldn't pick one track so I went a head and did a couple. They ended up liking them so much, as did I, the beats. We mutually agreed that an EP was a good idea and boom, here we are. I am finishing the last track for the EP this weekend and it should be released on Fly Definition soon.

You have also had the opportunity to work with Canadian heavyweights Moka Only, Muneshine, and countless others. How were these relationships established?

Well, it was really a combo of having a good reputation for solid work and great work ethic, and knowing people who know people. Don't miss understand, It's not just one or the other. Knowing people is great, connections really help, but if you're annoying and your skills are questionable...connects only get you so far.

Do you believe that it is more beneficial to establish relationships via the internet or face to face?

I believe both are equally important. Each serves a different but related purpose. With the internet you can reach further than your eyes can see and your hands can touch. However, nothing beats connecting with people face to face, especially women (or in my case, one specific woman).

What are some tips that you can share with up and coming artists about internet based communication?

Use it wisely, young Padawan. Don't annoy or offend people unless you are going the "shock value" route...and even then you might not want to. But on the real, Web based communication is key. Never has it been faster or easier to be heard from here to there, and back.

What are you currently working on?

These interview questions. Once I finish, I am taking my 11 year old to a baseball game. Also This EP with Elusive, my In The Pocket project (all the beats made on my iPod Touch), and a few other things.

What motivates you as an artist?

Food and other music. Happiness and sometimes depression. Life in general, really.

How the masses can get in contact with you?

St/MiC's Facebook
St/MiC's Twitter
St/MiC's MySpace

Any Final Thoughts?

None, aside from thank you to all who support me, and in turn, my family. One Love

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